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Check Scanners
RDC Scanners
CheXpress CX30
Our best-selling remote deposit scanner
CheXpress CX35
Next-generation remote deposit scanner
SmartSource Micro Elite
The most compact RDC scanner
TellerScan TS250
Next-generation multi-feed scanner
SmartSource Elite 55
Multi-feed remote deposit scanner
Teller Scanners
SmartSource Pro Elite
Modern and efficient teller capture scanner
TellerScan TS240
Our most popular teller capture scanner
Network-Ready Devices
SmartSource Expert Elite
Upgraded network check scanner
SmartSource Pro Elite Plus
Convertible USB or network scanner
SmartSource Expert Micro Elite
Network-ready RDC scanner
SecureLink Appliance
Network adapter with onboard intelligence (for TellerScan and CheXpress models)
Specialty Scanners
SmartSource Adaptive
Full-page check / document scanner
Ultraviolet Check Scanners
Dual UV and optical scanning
Multi-Pocket Sorting Scanners
SmartSource® Professional
Teller scanner with two-pocket sorting
Quantum DS Reader/Sorter
High-speed check transport replacement
More Networking
About the SecureLink API
What makes our network scanners tick
See all products >>
Scanner Accessories
ReceiptNOW Elite
Teller receipt printer for SmartSource Elite, Expert Elite, and TellerScan TS500 scanners
ReceiptNOW Original
Teller receipt printer for TellerScan TS240, SmartSource Professional, and SmartSource Expert scanners
Mechanical assistance for straightening large stacks of documents
Supplies & Consumables
Ink Cartridges
For scanners with rear endorsers
Check Scanner Cleaning Cards
For all Digital Check and SmartSource scanners
SmartSource Power Supplies
Power supply compatibility chart
Your Cash Automation Pros
Digital Check’s software subsidiary makes cash automation and check processing easy — at the bank branch or at a retail business
Cash Automation for Banks
Cash automation software with universal cash recycler suport
Large-Scale Combined Check and Cash Processing for the Back Office
Cash Automation for Businesses
Cash Automation System for Retail Businesses
Check processing and electronic deposit for retail businesses
Real-time monitoring of cash processes for your whole company
QDS Capture
High-volume lockbox processing using the Quantum DS transport
About Our Microfilm Division
Our subsidiary specializing in conversion of microfilm and microfiche to digital format. nextScan makes high-speed scanners for bulk conversion.
A subsidiary of Digital Check since 1999, STImaging makes digital microfilm and microfiche readers for individual viewing.
Microfilm Conversion
nextScan Eclipse
Heavy-duty microfilm scanner for the largest bulk conversion projects
nextScan FlexScan
High-speed conversion machine for both microfilm and microfiche
nextScan FlexView
A more affordable conversion scanner for medium-sized microfilm projects
Microfilm Readers
ViewScan 4 Series – STImaging
Library-style digital viewing devices for microfilm and fiche
Where to Buy
United States
Central America & the Caribbean
South America
Middle East
India Subcontinent
News & Events
Digital Check Corp. Expands Its SOC 2 Type 2 Certification
Digital Check API Now Supports macOS 14 ‘Sonoma’
NextScan Announces FlexScan+ Multi-Format Microform Conversion Scanner
Digital Check Announces Higher Top Speed for SmartSource Pro Elite and Pro Elite Plus Series Check Scanners
Events Calendar
Blue Light and Screen Time: Fact vs. Fiction
You’ve heard a lot about how blue light affects your vision – but how much is true and how much is hype?
ID Capture: What It Is — and What It Isn’t
Security may be the first thing that comes to mind, but there are other uses for this technology in the branch
Check 21’s Environmental Impact
Nearly two decades on, switching from paper to electronic clearing has made a huge difference
OCR and Scanners
What’s going on behind the scenes when your scanner “reads” the characters in an image?
Support Tips:
My scanner won’t initialize after upgrading to Windows 11
Educational Resources
White Papers & Case Studies
Replacing Reader/Sorters
How a Mexican payments processor handles a million documents per day
Virtual Branch Environments
How a small credit union has employed big-bank virtualization (and teller ID capture)
Educational Articles
MICR Printing
Why does the magnetic MICR printing on checks use such a weird font?
Image Survivable Features
What are they, and why are they important in document security?
Glossary of Check Capture and Image-Related Terms
About Digital Check
Who we are and what we do
Our People
Management team profiles
Our History
Over 60 years of manufacturing innovation
The Digital Check Difference
How we build our scanners to be the most reliable in the business
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